Posted inBooks

Book review: Zorrie

by Laird Hunt Bloomsbury Publishing (2021) Zorrie, by Laird Hunt is a brief but deep and beautiful portrait of a woman from the last century. However, Hunt’s desk side companions of authors Herodotus, Virginia Woolf, Gustave Flaubert, Michel Montaigne and Anne Frank indicate the themes are timeless and universal. This is a story of orphaned […]

Posted inBay Fitness

Planks and wall sits are best for lowering blood pressure — here are 6 more reasons they’re such great exercises

If you were told to do more exercise to lower your blood pressure, you might think you’d need to break out your running gear or hit the weights. But one of us (Jamie) recently published research that found exercises that you hold in a static position, such as planks and wall sits, are actually the […]

Posted inGardening

Dahlias are Divas

Dahlias are divas! Despite this, they are worth every bit of work for the beauty they offer to the late summer and fall garden. A seemingly endless variety of forms and colors and sizes means every gardener can pick and choose what would best beautify their homes, indoors and out. A sturdy plant in the […]

Posted inExpert advice

Alzheimer’s diagnosis? Start planning now!

People diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and their families need to address estate planning issues early while the person has sufficient mental capacity to understand the issues and make informed decisions. Here are several tips that are vital estate planning steps that Alzheimer’s patients and their families need to take now. Have a Durable Property Power […]

Posted inBooks

Book Review: Unraveling: What I Learned About Life While Shearing Sheep, Dyeing Wool and Making the World’s Uglies Sweater by Peggy Orenstein

Unraveling: What I Learned About Life While Shearing Sheep, Dyeing Wool, and Making the World’s Ugliest Sweater By Peggy Orenstein HarperCollins Publishers (2023) Remember each school year’s first writing assignment, “What did you do for your summer vacation?” The up-to-date version is “What did you do during the COVID quarantine?” Did you grow a sourdough […]

Posted inArticles

From The Desk

Where has the summer gone? The older I get, the more I realize that my time on earth is finite and valuable. As I write this, I’m about to send this issue of OutLook by the Bay to be printed, and I’m wondering where the summer went. This summer, I had a birthday, and got […]

Posted inBay Nutrition

Marvelous Mushrooms

Mushrooms have a robust unique flavor called umami, (pronounced oo-MAH-mee), which many consider the fifth basic taste, alongside sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Umami, which is Japanese for “pleasant savory taste” or “yummy” was identified by Japanese chemist Kikunae Ikeda in the 1900s. While eating seaweed soup, he noticed that the taste could not be […]

Posted inArticles

Maryland’s Most Haunted

I’ve spent the better part of my life collecting strange and ghostly tales around the world. Whatever your personal beliefs may be about the paranormal,” there is no denying that ghost stories make for great entertainment. After gathering hundreds of these tales, I find that they follow a certain pattern. Certain places just naturally attract […]

Posted inBay Trekking

The Last Lighthouse Keeper

Hearken back to the great age of 19th century sailing when giant frigates and long-haul sea clippers passed through the deep waters of the Atlantic coast line and around the world. They carried freight, agricultural cargo, and passengers from continent to continent. Their towering masts and myriad sails could propel those graceful ships at speeds […]


During his career as a Marine Corps officer, Don, his wife Anna and their children lived all over the world. When the time came, Don and Anna retired in Annapolis largely because their children had settled there. They built a beautiful house and enjoyed it for nearly 10 years, entertaining family, friends and the Midshipmen […]

Posted inMedical

Elevate your mood

During my many years of practicing psychotherapy many of my patients either refused to take prescription psychotropic medications or suffered unpleasant side effects, motivating them to stop the medication. With virtually all my patients, before recommending prescription medications, I encouraged them to engage in activities that would spark the production of the very same neurotransmitters […]

Ghosts of Ellicott City and Savage Mill

The village of what became as Ellicott Mills was founded during the English colonization of the area in the 18th century. The Ellicott brothers, Joseph, Andrew and John, came from Quaker Country—Bucks County, Pennsylvania — in 1772 to create what would eventually become one of the largest milling operations in the colonies. The settlement that […]